
Calculate costs of car ownership (with enviro costs)
Time variables: Time horizion: Discount rate:
Fuel costs
Gas Costs Electricity Costs
Gas price / gallon electricity price /kwh
Enviro cost of gas / gallon Enviro cost of electricity /kwh Toggle display of the environmental costs worksheet ...
x Environmental fuel costs worksheet
Gasoline Electricity
CO2 cost / gallon CO2 cost / kwh Toggle display of Co2-tax worksheet ...
x CO2-tax worksheet: Convert tax per ton of CO2 to gallon and kwh costs
What is the cost per ton of CO2
Note that for a ... the pounds of CO2 is (in tons per ..) Click button to use this per unit CO2 cost.
gallon of gas 0.00950
a kwh 0.000685
Air polution cost / gallon Air polution cost / kwh
Resource cost / gallon Resource cost / kwh
per gallon enviro costs: 0 per kwh enviro costs:0
... Green energy faction: 0 Green energry Cost/kwh: 0 Toggle display of green energy variables worksheet
x Green energy variables worksheet: Are you producing any green electricity(i.e.; using photovoltaic panels) ...
PV fraction What fraction of your electricity is from green sources (i.e.; photovoltaic panels).
PV cost/kwh What is the cost, per kwh, of this electricity
Full gas price per gallon: 4.00 Full electricity price per kwh: 0.15
Environmental-costs of building a car variables
Gallons per lb of normal car Toggle display of build costs worksheet
x Environmental costs of building a car worksheet
btu/gallon of gas113500
btu used per pound of car
Normal car: (gallons per pound: 0.28)
Hybrid car: (gallons per pound: 0.34)
Gallons per lb of hybrid car
Miles you drive (this is assumed to apply to all cars -- your choice of new car will not effect your driving habits)
Short trip miles Toggle display of short trip miles worksheet ...
x Short trip miles worksheet: compute your yearly short trip (city) miles ...
Workdays: Daily commute distance (round trip): Workdays per year: Your yearly commuting distance (in city traffic): 5000
Non-workdays (weekends, etc): Typical city miles driven (shopping trips, etc): Non-workdays per year: Your yearly non-commuting distance (in city traffic): 2000
Note: these variables are also used to compute the pct of miles driven in EV mode
Long trip miles
Current car long trip miles Set to 0 if you will NOT be keeping the current car
Maintenance cost variables
For mileage range 0 to 36k 36k to 60k 60k to 100k 100k to 150k greater then 150k
Repair costs per mile
Insurance costs per year
Specs of your current car (miles driven per year: 12000)
Current car: Name: Current mileage:
EV variables
Short trip mpg Short trip gallons: 350 Yearly short trip costs: 1400
Long trip mpg Long trip gallons: 100 Yearly long trip costs:   400
current car long trip miles gallons: 67 costs:   270
average mpg: 25 Yearly fuel costs:   2070
Maintenance costs  
For year ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Specs for new cars (miles driven per year: 12000)
Alternate car 1: Name:
Price: Weight: Is this car a ... Hybrid? Electric?
Short trip mpg Short trip gallons: 175 Yearly short trip costs: 700
Long trip mpg Long trip gallons: 75 Yearly long trip costs:   300
average mpg: 25 Yearly fuel costs:   1270
Maintenance costs  
For year ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Alternate car 2: Name:
Price: Weight: Is this car a ... Hybrid? Electric?
Short trip mpg Short trip gallons: 175 Yearly short trip costs: 700
Long trip mpg Long trip gallons: 75 Yearly long trip costs:   300
average mpg: 25 Yearly fuel costs: 1070
Maintenance costs  
For year ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Alternate car 3: Name:
Price: Weight: Is this car a ... Hybrid? Electric?
Non-EV short trip mpg Short trip gallons: 140 Yearly short trip costs: 560
Long trip mpg Long trip gallons: 60 Yearly long trip costs:   240
average mpg: 25 Yearly fuel costs: 1070
Maintenance costs  
For year ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Alternate car 4: Name:
Price: Weight: Is this car a ... Hybrid? Electric?
Non-EV short trip mpg Short trip gallons: 140 Yearly short trip costs: 560
Long trip mpg Long trip gallons: 60 Yearly long trip costs:   240
average mpg: 25 Yearly fuel costs: 1070
Maintenance costs  
For year ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Yearly fuel cost comparisons

Each cell is the fuel cost difference of: carInThisColumn - carInThisRow
Car Yearly cost Cost differences

Full cost of ownership, over time (8 years)

CarPurchase and maintenanceenviro build costFuel costs Total cost